Welcome Prof.M.A. JABBAR from Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vardhaman College of Engineering, INDIA to be conf
日期:2016-11-18 点击量: 2311次
Prof.M.A. JABBAR, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Vardhaman College of Engineering, INDIA
Dr. Eng. M.A .JABBAR is a Professor Dept.of CSE , Vardhaman College
of Engineering, Shamshabad, Telangana.
He did his Ph.D in computer science (data mining) from JNTU Hyderabad.
He is having 16 years of teaching experience.
He is a senior member, IEEE, Life member Indian science congress association,
Life member computer society of INDIA, Member ACM.
He published more than 30 papers in international journals and conferences.
He is a reviewer for Springer, Elsevier, and IEEE Transactions on systems man
and cybernetics.He served as a technical committee member for 20 international
conferences and publicity chair, Publicity chair, International Conference on
Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, BIDAR,INDIA.He
is a member in Doctoral committee, Indian Institute of Information
Technology(IIIT) Srirangam BIT - Anna University Campus, Trichy Tamilnadu,
India - 620 024.
He acted as a Session chair,UGC Sponsored National Conference on Recent Trends
in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition 2-3 April 2016, Bidar, Karnataka,
His Research interest includes data mining, bio informatics, cyber security,
IOT,attack graphs, and intrusion detection system.